Take down your flags

By: Pastor Ramon Diaz


Ramon Diaz

1/13/20241 min read

Pastor Ramon's sermon takes a refreshing turn, urging us to shift our gaze from the familiar walls of our churches and fix it on the boundless kingdom of God. He draws inspiration from John the Baptist's final words in John 3, where the humble prophet declares, "He must increase, but I must decrease." This becomes a powerful call to action, reminding us that our purpose isn't to build self-serving communities, but to pave the way for the reign of God to flourish. This shift from inward to outward focus promises a vibrant future, where our churches become launchpads for love, service, and the proclamation of God's grace to the world beyond our doors. Prepare to be challenged, inspired, and equipped to become ambassadors of the kingdom, not just comfortable churchgoers.